


The Vance

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This is a list of all known titles, including draft titles, non-authorial published titles, and also includes un-published and lost texts. The first date given is the date of writing (some dates are more or less speculative. see Chronological List of Titles for details). The second date is first publication. If these dates are the same only one date is given. A third date (or more) give time of authorial revision.
The abreviation 'ms' means author's text, as opposed to editor's texts which are 'setting copy' (which have editorial and typesetting changes and marks) or 'tearsheets' (magazine pages with authorial holographic corrections). 'Late ms' means the probably final authorial text but not setting copy, which might include authorial changes communicated to the editor.

Abercrombie Station; vol.6, 1951, 1952, 1976. Restored from late ms: typescript fair copy of Monsters in Orbit text with holographic changes for The Best of Jack Vance. Story based on editor’s idea.

Absent Minded Professor, The; vol.2, 1953, 1954, known as: First Star I See Tonight, and: Murder Observed. Restored from late ms. For this story author used nom de plume: ‘J. A. Kavnnes’. His idea:| use ‘John Holbrook Vance’, ‘Jack Vance’ and ‘J. A. Kavnnes’ for stories from serious to antic. Other pseudonyms invented by editors: ‘Alan Wade’ for Bird Island, ‘Peter Held’ for Take My Face, but see: The End of the Moon Chase.

Adventure on Phobos; 1953. Captain Video TV script.

Alastor; see: Marune; Trullion; Wyst. Author planned a 4th in series: Alastor 458: Pharism: The Connatic reads a letter: There is a most evil man in this region. He destroyed something beautiful. The cursor’s report: there was always an extra dimension: perhaps a fabric of guesses or an extravagant figure of speech, or an emotional reaction by which Bartold revealed his effervescent personality.

Alfred’s Ark; vol.17, 1964, 1965, draft title: Alfred. Restored from Dark Side of the Moon, New English Library, 1989, and authorial holograph on photocopy. Failed to consult 1st published edition, New Worlds, 1965. The latter, besides accidentals, has: Let’s blow! (see: vol.17, page 274: Let’s go!), and last paragraph is: Alfred’s friends and neighbors, crowded along the rail, looked down at Alfred. Alfred, still sitting in the mud, looked back up at them. Former change to New Worlds probably editorial, latter probably authorial.

And When I Find Him; 1946. Lost novel (alas).

 Anome, The; vol.27, 1970 Ireland, 1971, known as: The Faceless Man. Restoration sources: late ms material; 1st book publication (Dell, 1973); 1st magazine publication (F&SF, 1971); author’s map sketches. The latter explain some minor textual inconsistencies, corrected with author. The most extensive replaces this original line: ‘And one day it’s Pagane and Amaze, the next Garwiy, then off over the Great Transverse Route to Pelmonte and Whearn and the Blue Ocean’ with: ‘And one day it’s Dublay and Mourmouth, the next Garwiy, then off over the Great Transverse Route to Eye-of-the-East and the Blue Ocean.’ See vol.27, page 70. Early map sketch has balloonway running from Parth/Gorgash up to Pagane and Amaze and over to Garwiy, with Transverse route though Pelmont and on to Whearn. But Etzwane plans these improvements to balloonway, see page 256, and these routes disappear from later map.

Araminta Station; vol.39, 1986, 1987. Restored from late ms.

Assault on a City; see: The Insufferable Red-headed Daughter of Commander Tynnott, O.T.E.

Asutra, The; vol.27, 1971, 1973. Restored using published editions: 1st book publication (Dell, 1974); 1st magazine publication (F&SF, 1973); and mss: late typescript/ms material.

Augmented Agent, The; vol.5, 1956, 1961, known as: I-C-a-BeM. Restored to best available published text: Amazing, 1961. Written at editor’s request to fit an illustration.

Bad Ronald; vol.12, 1955? 1973, draft title: Something Awful. Restored from first publication: Ballantine, 1973. Date of writing confirmed by author’s submission records. Apparently extensively revised prior to publication. Filmed for television.

Bagful of Dreams, The; vol.35, 1977, see: Cugel: The Skybreak Spatterlight.

Big Planet; vol.4, 1948, 1952. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1952. Original ms cut, almost in half, by author, at editor’s request. Unpublished sections lost.

Bird Island; vol.10, 1947? 1957, known as: Isle of Peril, and: Bird Isle. Draft title:| Forbidden Island. Restored from first publication: Mystery House, 1957. Compilation of earlier writings.

Bird Isle; see: Bird Island.

Black Planet Academy; 1953. Captain Video TV script. Captain Video helps young Prince start academy in totalitarian society to train men in ‘the principles of humanity and democracy’. Story involves a cosmic crime syndicate.

Blue World, The; vol.16, 1963, 1966, draft title: King Kragen. Restored from late ms, typescript expansion of The Kragen, with holographic amendments. See page 542.

Book of Dreams, The; vol.26, 1979, 1981. Restored from late ms.

Bottle from Space, A; 1952. Captain Video TV script.

Brain of the Galaxy; see: The New Prime.

Brains of Earth, The; see: Nopalgarth.

Brave Free Men, The; vol.27, 1970 Athens, 1972, draft title: Palasedra. Restored using published editions: 1st book publication (Dell, 1973), 1st magazine publication (F&SF, 1972), and mss: late typescript/ms material.

Cadwal Chronicles, The; see: Araminta Station; Ecce and Old Earth; Throy.

Call for the New Crusade; see: Crusade to Maxus.

Canceling of Unknowns, A; see: Sulwen’s Planet.

Case of the Sub-standard Sardines, The; see: The Sub-standard Sardines.

Cat Island; vol.44, 1946, 1985. Restored from only published source: Light from a Lone Star, NESFA, 1985. No ms. First chapter and outline of unfinished novel.

Cave in the Forest, The; vol.15, 1963, 1966, see: Cugel the Clever. First published version incorporated in: The Manse of Iucounu, F&SF, July 1966.

Chasch, The; vol.21, 1967, 1968, known as: City of the Chasch, and: Chasch! Restored from setting copy for Ace, 1968.

Chateau d’If; vol.5, 1949, 1950, known as: New Bodies for Old. Restored from tearsheets from Thrilling Wonder, 1950, with holographic corrections. Film rights bought but film not made.

Cholwell’s Chickens; vol.6, 1951, 1952. Restored to best available published text: Thrilling Wonder, 1952.

Cil; vol.15, 1963, 1966, 1969, see: Cugel the Clever.

City of the Chasch; see: The Chasch.

Clang; vol.44, 1984. Author’s ms.

Clarges; vol.7, 1955, 1956, known as: To Live Forever. Restored to best available published text: Ballantine, 1956. No ms. Plot sketched jointly with Frank Herbert then coin flipped for who would write it.

Clutch of the Careless One-Woman, The; see: The Narrow Land.

Cold Fish; 1948. Unpublished, lost. See: The Flesh Mask.

Cosmic Hotfoot; see: To B or Not to C or to D.

Coup de Grace; vol.17, 1957, 1958, draft title: Worlds of Origin. Restored to best available published text: Super Science Fiction, 1958.

Courage My Strange Child; 1944, unpublished. Lost. Material from this text used in Strange People, Queer Notions.

Crazy Crusade; see: Crusade to Maxus.

Crusade to Alambar; see: Crusade to Maxus.

Crusade to Maxus; vol.5, 1950, 1951, 1986, known as: Overlords of Maxus. Draft tiles: Crazy Crusade, The New Crusade, Call for the New Crusade, Crusade to Alambar. Resolved from more than one published text, particularly Thrilling Wonder, 1951, and authorially revised, and editorially modified, version in: The Augmented Agent, Underwood-Miller, 1986.

Cugel the Clever; vol.15, 1963, 1966, known as: The Eyes of the Overworld (editor’s title). Restored from setting copy for Ace 1966 edition. Author comments that for editors’s title to make sense it should have been: ‘The Eyes of the Underworld’. From The Emerald City of Oz by Baum: At the very top was a level plain, upon which were heaps of rock that at first glance seemed solid. But on looking closer Guph discovered that these rock heaps were dwellings…He did not know that these despised rock heaps of the Phanfasms were merely deceptions to his own eyes, nor could he guess that he was standing in the midst of one of the most splendid and luxurious cities ever built by magic power.

Cugel: The Skybreak Spatterlight; vol.35, 1981, 1983, known as: Cugel’s Saga (editor’s title). Restored from late typescript with holographic corrections. «Fixup» of previously published The Bagful of Dreams and The Seventeen Virgins. Author recounts that in college years he succumbed to Navy solicitation to work in Hawaii as electrician. Knowing nothing of this trade he signed on and was sent to ship bound for Hawaii. He boarded, looked about, presented himself to a person in authority, explained his presence and asked: «Where is my cabin?» «Cabin!? Get down in the hold boy, with everyone else.» (See note at Dodkin’s Job.)

Cugel’s Saga; see: Cugel: The Skybreak Spatterlight.

Dark Empire; 1952. Captain Video TV script.

Dark Ocean, The; vol.12, 1966? 1985. Restored from published edition, Underwood-Miller, 1985, and final typescript with holographic corrections.

Dead Ahead; vol.3, 1949, 1950, known as: Ultimate Quest. Restored from all published texts: Super Science Stories, 1950; Super Science Stories, 1951; Dark Side of the Moon, Underwood-Miller, 1986, and final draft typescript.

Deadly Isles, The; vol.14, 1966? 1969. Restored from setting copy for Bobbs-Merrill, 1969. Author owned boat Hinano and hoped to make a voyage in the Pacific.

Death of a Solitary Chess Player; ‘hors série’ VIE volume. 1962, 1965. Known as: A Room to Die In. Written for Ellery Queen. No ms material found for this story.

Demon Princes, The; (editor’s series title) see: The Star King; The Killing Machine; The Palace of Love; The Face; The Book of Dreams.

Devil on Salvation Bluff, The; vol.2, 1954, 1955. Restored to best published text: STAR Science Fiction Stories no. 3, Ballantine, 1955.

Dirdir, The; vol.21, 1969. Restored from setting copy for Ace, 1969.

Dodkin’s Job; vol.17, 1958, 1959, 1964. Resolved from several published texts: Astounding, 1959; Future Tense, Ballantine, 1964. As a civilian electrician for the Navy author progressively demoted from electrician’s assistant to gyroscope repair to metal plating. Knowing nothing of these trades he was eventually assigned to de-gaussing, in gang hauling three inch steel cable in the dark ship holds. Eventually returned to San Francisco on the Matsonia, though can’t recall how he paid voyage. Navy charged room and board and paid 56¢ an hour. Returned to San Francisco a few weeks before Pearl Harbor attack. (See note at: Cugel: The Skybreak Spatterlight.)

Dogtown Tourist Agency, The; vol.32, 1973, 1975. Resolved from best available published text, Epoch, Berkley, 1975, and partial ms.

Domains of Koryphon, The; vol.28, 1972, 1974, known as: The Grey Prince, and: The Gray Prince. Restored to best available published text: Amazing, 1974.

Domestic Tragedy, A; see: The House Lords.

Dover Spargill’s Ghastly Floater; vol.3, 1951. Restored to best available published text: Marvel, 1951. Author’s comment: Horrible! Horrible!

DP!; vol.2, 1951, 1953, known as: DP. Restored to best available published text: Avon Science Fiction & Fantasy Reader, Avon, 1953. Written in Fulpmes, Austria. Spurious ending removed (see page 21).

Dragon Masters, The; vol.9, 1961 Tahiti, 1962. Resolved from several published texts:  Galaxy, 1962, and Ace, 1963.

Dream Castle; vol.44, 1962 authorial revision of I’ll Build Your Dream Castle (vol.2). Restored from: Great Stories of Space Travel, 1963.

Dreamer, The; see: The Enchanted Princess.

Durdane; see vol.27: Durdane. Includes: The Anome; The Brave Free Men; The Asutra.

Dust of Far Suns; see: Sail 25.

Dying Earth, The; see: Mazirian the Magician.

Ecce and Old Earth; vol.40, 1990, 1991. Restored from author’s electronic files.

Ecological Onslaught; see: The World Between.

Emphyrio; vol.20, 1967, 1969. Restored with setting copy for Doubleday, 1969.

Enchanted Princess, The; vol.3, 1949, 1954, known as: The Enchanted Princess and Roger Atkin, and: The Dreamer. Restored from Orbit Science Fiction, 1954.

End of Nowhere; 1953. Captain Video TV script.

End of The Moon Chase; 1935? unpublished, as ‘Jan Dublays’, 14 pages. Spaceman on moon chased by mysterious creatures; his camera found by subsequent expedition.

Everybody’s Happy but Osborn; 1938? unpublished. Lost. Written for college English course but also in hopes of sale.

Eyes of the Overworld, The; see: Cugel the Clever.

Face, The; vol.25, 1978, 1979. Restored from late ms.

Faceless Man, The; see: The Anome.

Fader’s Waft; vol.34, 1978?, 1984. see: Rhialto the Marvellous. Restored from late ms.

Fat Hannah; 1962, unpublished. Novel outline, 14 pages.

Final Exam; see: The New Prime.

First Star I See Tonight; see: The Absent Minded Professor.

Five Gold Bands, The; see: The Rapparee.

Flesh Mask, The; vol.10, 1948, 1957, known as: Take My Face, and: Mask of Flesh. Single published source: Mystery House, 1957, not properly edited. Restored with participation of author. Story incorporates material from Cold Fish, 1948, an unpublished lost novel.

Forbidden Island; see: Bird Island.

Four Hundred Blackbirds; vol.3, 1948, 1953. Restored with tearsheets from Future, 1953, with holographic corrections.

Four Johns, The; see: Strange She Hasn’t Written.

Four Men Called John; see: Strange She Hasn’t Written.

Fox Valley Murders, The; vol.13, 1964, 1967. Restored from setting copy for Bobbs-Merrill, 1966.

Freitzke’s Turn; vol.32, 1974 Africa, 1977. Restored to best available published text: Triax, Pinnacle, 1977.

Galactic Effectuator; see: The Dogtown Tourist Agency, and: Freitzke’s Turn, published together under this editorial title.

Gateway to Strangeness; see: Sail 25.

Genesee Slough Murders, The; vol.13, 1966? 1994. Draft novel. Robert Ockene, editor at Bobbs-Merrill, died after publication of The Pleasant Grove Murders. Successors at this house expressed no interest.

Gift of Gab, The; vol.8, 1954, 1955, 1964. Resolved from published texts:  Astounding, 1955, and: Future Tense, Ballantine, 1964.

God and the Temple Robber, The; vol.2, 1946, 1951, known as: The Temple of Han. Draft title: The God and the Temple of Han. Resolved from published texts: Planet Stories, 1951; The Dark Side of the Moon, Underwood-Miller, 1986.

Gold and Iron; vol.7, 1952, known as: Planet of the Damned, and: Slaves of the Klau. Restored to best available text: Space Stories, 1952. Editor’s marriage ending removed at author’s direction for VIE.

Golden Girl; vol.6, 1945, 1951, draft title: Shipwreck on Matemba. Restored to best available published text: Marvel, 1951. Based on a true story of an Englishwoman marooned among the Australian aborigines.

Grade VA; 1935? Lost.

Gray Prince, The; see: The Domains of Koryphon.

Green Magic; vol.17, 1956 Australia, 1963. Restored from typescript.

Green Pearl, The; vol.37, 1984, 1985. Restored from late ms.

Grey Prince, The; see: The Domains of Koryphon.

Gulf of New York, The; 1976, unpublished. 2 page film treatment: terrorists menace New York with fusion bomb in hold of ship. Scientists use SDI laser from space to destroy ship. Quip at end: Alternate happy ending: bomb goes off and destroys New York.

Guyal of Sfere; vol.1, 1944, 1950, 1969. See: Mazirian the Magician. See vol.44 for revised version.

Hard Luck Diggings; vol.3, 1948. Restored from: Startling, 1948; and typescript representing different and possibly earlier version. Hard Luck Diggings and Sanatoris Short-cut were written in a single weekend. The exploit encouraged author to hope he could get rich turning out great quantities of such stuff. This dream was never realized but Twentieth Century Fox bought movie rights to Hard Luck Diggings, and hired author to write screenplay. This job lasted two months when a new supervisor fired him. What did I know about writing screenplays? The author used the Fox money for European voyage. Discussing this and other gadget stories for inclusion in VIE, author provided a disclaimer: The author would respectfully like to decline any knowledge of such trivial (meowing sound). Who the scoundrel was that concocted such vulgarity…trying to shoe-horn himself into notoriety…Ah! what bullshit.

House Lords, The; vol.2, 1956, 1957, known as: House Lords. Draft title: A Domestic Tragedy. Restored from ms.

House on Lily Street, The; vol.11, 1958? 1979. Text never properly edited. Resolved from only published edition, Underwood-Miller, 1979, authorial errata sheets and guidance.

Houses of Iszm, The; vol.8, 1953, 1954, 1964. Resolved from setting copy for Ace, 1964, and Startling, 1954. Author worked many years as carpenter. Built own house.

Howling Bounders, The; vol.3, 1949. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1949.

I-C-a-BeM; see: The Augmented Agent.

I’ll Build Your Dream Castle; vol.2, 1946, 1947, 1962, 1982, known as: Dream Castle. Restored from tearsheets for Astounding, 1947, with holographic corrections. Story revised twice by author, both times from 1947 text. See: Dream Castle, vol.44, for 1962 revision. Second revision (Lost Moons, Underwood-Miller, 1982) less extensive (see page 19). Author worked many years as carpenter; built own house.

Insufferable Red-headed Daughter of Commander      Tynnott, O.T.E., The; vol.6, 1972, 1974, known as: Assault on a City. Restored from setting copy typescript for Universe 4, Random House, 1974.

Isle of Peril; see: Bird Island.

Joe Plant’s Final Diamond; 1943, unpublished. Lost. Possibly an early version of Masquerade on Dicantropus.

Killing Machine, The; vol.23, 1964. Restored from typescript for Berkley Medallion, 1964.

King Kragen; see: The Blue World.

King of Thieves, The; vol.3, 1948, 1949. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1949.

Kokod Warriors, The; vol.17, 1951, 1952. Restored to best available published text: Thrilling Wonder, 1952.

Kragen, The; vol.44, 1963, 1964. Restored from: Fantastic, 1964, and typescript pages of The Blue World. Frank Herbert discussed his desert-world story idea Dune with author, who reacted to Dune’s eventual success with this novella, later expanded into The Blue World.

Lanarck and the World-Thinker; see: The World-Thinker.

Languages of Pao, The; vol.7, 1956, 1957. Resolved from: Satellite, 1957, and: Avalon, 1958. Differences between these sources are authorial.

Last Castle, The; vol.9, 1965 Tahiti, 1966, 1976. Restored from setting copy for Tor, 1989. Written, for nothing, to repay editor for money already received for The Killing Machine, which had been sold to Berkley and to If; because of miscommunication between agent and publishers the paperback appeared before the magazine serial: latter was therefore cancelled.

Last Man on Hebron; 1935? unpublished. Lost.

Liane the Wayfarer; vol.1, 1944, 1950, known as: The Loom of Darkness. See: Mazirian the Magician.

Loom of Darkness, The; see: Liane the Wayfarer.

Lurulu; vol.43, 2004. Restored from author’s electronic files. See: Ports of Call.

Lyonesse; see: Suldrun’s Garden; The Green Pearl; Madouc.

Madman Theory, The; see: The Man Who Walks Behind.

Madouc; vol.38, 1989. Restored from author’s electronic files, errata notes, and printout with holographic changes.

Magnificent Red-hot Jazzing Seven, The; vol.44, 1976? unpublished. Author’s typescript. Author passionate jazz fan; plays trumpet and banjo.

Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River, Lune XXIII South, Big Planet, The; 1974, 1975, known as: Showboat World (editor’s title). Restored from setting copy for Pyramid, 1975.

Man from Zodiac, The; see: Milton Hack from Zodiac.

Man in the Cage, The; vol.14, 1958, 1960, draft title: No-One Knows Where He Went. Restored from: Random House, 1960 and partial non-final draft typescript with holographic corrections on verso of The Miracle Workers typescript. Based on 1957 travel in Morocco. Filmed for television, 1961 (produced by Boris Karloff).

Man Who Walks Behind, The; ‘hors série’ VIE volume; 1962, 1966, known as: The Madman Theory. Written for Ellery Queen. Partially restored from ms material on verso of other mss.

Manse of Iucounu, The; vol.15, 1963, 1966, see: Cugel the Clever. F&SF, July 1966, incorporating The Cave in the Forest.

Marune: Alastor 933; vol.30, 1974 Spain, 1975. Restored to best available published text: Amazing, 1975.

Mask of Flesh; see: The Flesh Mask.

Maske: Thaery; vol.33, 1975, 1976. Restored from: Berkley, 1976, and non-final typescript with holographic corrections.

Masquerade on Dicantropus; vol.6, 1950, 1951, known as: The Masquerade on Dicantropus. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1951.

Mazirian the Magician; vol.1, 1944, 1950, known as: The Dying Earth, editor’s title strongly disapproved by author. Mazirian the Magician, vol.1, is also the title of the first story in the book, per story order originally intended by author. All are restored to best available published text: Hillman, 1950. They were written while author served in Pacific as merchant seaman during war. Thought to be influenced by various writers; influences actually mentioned by author include: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jeffery Farnol, P. G. Wodehouse and L. Frank Baum; from The Emerald City of Oz: The Phanfasms were Erbs, and so dreaded by mortals and immortals alike that no one had been near their mountain home for several thousand years. Other interesting Oz echoes occur.

Meet Miss Universe; vol.6, 1954, 1955. Restored to best available published text: Fantastic Universe, 1955.

Men of the Ten Books; see:| The Ten Books.

Men Return, The; vol.17, 1955, 1957, 1969. Restored from setting copy for: Eight Fantasms and Magics, Macmillan, 1969.

Mercury Observatory; 1952. Captain Video TV script.

Milton Hack from Zodiac; vol.5, 1957, 1967, known as; The Man from Zodiac. Draft titles: The Phronus-Sabo Contract, and: Milton Hack of Zodiac. Restored from  typescript for: Amazing, 1967.

Miracle Workers, The; vol.9, 1957, 1958, 1969. Restored from setting copy for: Eight Fantasms and Magics, Macmillan, 1969.

Mitr, The; vol.6, 1951, 1953. Restored to best available published text: Vortex, 1953.

Monsters in Orbit; see: Abercrombie Station, and: Cholwell’s Chickens.

Moon Moth, The; vol.17, 1960, 1961, 1976. Restored from late ms. Author built several boats, including a house boat. Adapted for radio, 2003.

Morreion; vol.34, 1970, 1973. See: Rhialto the Marvellous. This story exists in a very different early form, unpublished. Restored from late ms.

Mountains of Magnatz, The; vol.15, 1963, 1966. See: Cugel the Clever. F&SF, February 1966.

Murder Observed; see: The Absent Minded Professor.

Murthe, The; vol.34, 1979, 1984. Restored from late ms, and best available published text: Underwood-Miller, 1984.

Music of the Spheres; see: Noise.

Narrow Land, The; vol.8, 1966, 1967. Draft title: The Clutch of the Careless One-Woman. Restored from typescript for Fantastic, 1967. First of an editorially requested 3-story sequence; other 2 never written.

New Bodies for Old; see: Chateau d’If.         

New Crusade, The; see: Crusade to Maxus.

New Prime, The; vol.17, 1950, 1951, 1969, known as: Brain of the Galaxy. Draft title: Final Exam. Restored from late ms with holographic corrections.

Night Lamp; vol.42, 1995, 1996. Restored from author’s electronic ms and errata sheets. Author’s grandfather owned much of Oakland and was member of the best club. Author recounts how he later got job there as bellhop, and somewhat later managed to become member, but the former experience spoiled the latter.

No-One Knows Where He Went; see: The Man in the Cage.

No Time Like the Present; 1935? unpublished. Lost. A story about a time machine.

Noise; vol.2, 1952, revised 1969, known as: Music of the Spheres. Restored from ms and setting copy for Eight Fantasms and Magics, Macmillian, 1969.

Nopalgarth; vol.8, 1964, 1966, known as: The Brains of Earth. Restored from setting copy for Ace, 1966. Author interested in Scientology around this time.

Northe’s Guard; 1935? unpublished. Lost.

Overlords of Maxus; see: Crusade to Maxus.

Overworld, The; vol.15, 1963, 1965. See: Cugel the Clever. F&SF, Dec. 1965.

Palace of Love, The; vol.24, 1965, 1966. Restored from setting copy for Berkley, 1967. Galaxy editor, Frederik Pohl, removed epigraphs which disgusted author causing delay of following two books in series.

Palasedra; see: The Brave Free Men.

Parapsyche; vol.3, 1957, 1958. Restored from best available published text: Amazing, 1958.

Phalid’s Fate; vol.5, 1945, 1946. Restored from best available published text: Thrilling Wonder, 1946.

Phantom Milkman, The; vol.3, 1955, 1956. Restored from Other Worlds, 1956.

Phronus-Sabo Contract, The; see: Milton Hack from Zodiac.

Pilgrims, The; vol.15. See: Cugel the Clever. F&SF, June 1966.

Plagian Siphon, The; see: The Uninhibited Robot.

Planet Machine, The; see: The Uninhibited Robot.

Planet of the Black Dust; vol.3, 1945, 1946. Restored from best available published text: Startling, 1946.

Planet of the Damned; see: Gold and Iron.

Planet of the Red Star; see: Planet of the Black Dust.

Pleasant Grove Murders, The; vol.13, 1966? 1967. Restored to setting copy for: Bobbs-Merrill, 1967. Author wished to write more mysteries but editor died.

Pnume, The; vol.21, 1969, 1970. Restored from setting copy for: Ace, 1970.

Ports of Call; vol.43, 1997, 1998. Restored from author’s electronic files. Lurulu is the second part of this book.

Potters of Firsk, The; vol.3, 1949, 1950. Restored from best available published text: Astounding, 1950. Author owned ceramics shop. Story adapted for radio, 1950.

Practical Man’s Guide, A; vol.2, 1956, 1957. Restored from best available published text: Space Science Fiction, 1957.

Rapparee, The; vol.4, 1949, 1950, known as: The Space Pirate, and: The Five Gold Bands. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1950.

Rhialto The Marvellous; vol.34, see: The Murthe; Fader’s Waft; Morreion.

Room to Die In, A; see: Death of a Solitary Chess Player.

Rumfuddle; vol.17, 1972, 1973. Restored from typescript for: Three Trips in Time and Space, Hawthorn, 1973.

Sabotage on Sulfur Planet; vol.3, 1952, known as: Sabotage on Sulphur Planet. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1952.

Sail 25; vol.3, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1976, known as: Gateway to Strangeness, and: Dust of Far Suns. Restored from published text: Amazing, 1962; Ballantine, 1964. Written at editor’s request to fit illustration.

Sanatoris Short-Cut; vol.3, 1948. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1948.

Sanford Paxton: S. S. Altair; 1938?, unpublished. Lost. Written for college English course, but also in hopes of sale.

Secret, The; vol.2, 1951, 1966. Restored from late ms. Submitted to Worlds Beyond in 2600 word ms, but not published. Ms lost. Rewritten from memory (2800 words). See page 17.

Servants of the Wankh; see: The Wannek.

Seven Exits from Bocz; vol.2, 1949, 1952. Restored from late ms.

Seventeen Virgins, The; vol.35, 1973, 1974. See: Cugel: The Skybreak Spatterlight.

Shape-Up; vol.5, 1952, 1953. Restored from best available published text: Cosmos, 1953.

Shipwreck on Matemba; see: Golden Girl.

Showboat World; vol.19, see: The Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River, Lune XXIII South, Big Planet.

Sjambak; vol.3, 1952, 1953. Restored to best available published text: If, 1953.

Slaves of the Klau; see: Gold and Iron.

Something Awful; see: Bad Ronald.

Son of the Tree; vol.5, 1950, 1951. Restored to best available published text: Thrilling Wonder, 1951.

Sorcerer Pharesm, The; vol.15, see: Cugel the Clever. F&SF, April 1966.

Spa of the Stars, The; vol.3, 1950. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1950.

Space Opera; vol.18, 1964, 1965. Restored from setting copy for: Pyramid, 1965. Author recounts: editor requested a ‘space opera’ but rejected text as inappropriate; replaced by Showboat World.

Space Pirate, The; see: The Rapparee.

Star King, The; vol.22, 1960, 1963, known as: Star King. Resolved from: Galaxy, 1963-4; and: Berkley, 1964. In Life, January 4, 1906, vol. 47 p.18: Sir Marmaduke, Sir Marmaduke, / Arise thee from thy book— / Thy daughter Gladys has eloped / with William James the cook. (+23 more stanzas), Wallace Irwin.

Stark, The; vol.44, 1954. Author’s ms. Unpublished outline for a series of stories (novels?). Idea discussed with Frank Herbert.

Strange Notions; see: Strange People, Queer Notions.

Strange People, Queer Notions; vol.10, 1957, 1958, known as: Strange Notions. Restored from typescript for: Underwood-Miller, 1985. The chronological evidence for this story is that author’s second stay in Positano occurred in 1957.

Strange She Hasn’t Written; 1961, 1964, ‘hors série’ VIE volume. Known as: The Four Johns, and: Four Men Called John. Written for Ellery Queen. Partially restored from manuscript material on verso pages of other stories.

Sub-standard Sardines, The; vol.3, 1948, 1949, draft title: The Case of the Sub-standard Sardines. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1949. As a youth author worked in canning factory.

Suldrun’s Garden; vol.36, 1982, 1983, known as: Lyonesse, and: Lyonesse: Suldrun’s Garden. Restored from setting copy for Berkley, 1986, and early ms. Rejected passage from ms: The following morning he came to a wide slow river, which he crossed, dry-shod, on magic feathers. In the shallows, among the reeds stood a nymph staring down at the ripples which left her parted knees. Absorbed in her thoughts she failed to see Shimrod, and he watched her for several minutes. Her hair was sleek and lank, greenish-yellow; her ears were very small and lacked lobes; their substance seemed fine as shell. She reached her hand to touch the water and Shimrod saw that her nails were filmy, like insect wings and she seemed to lack thumbs. Slowly she turned; her breasts were tipped with small green nipples and a sparse blue-green down, like moss, covered her pubic area. She became aware of Shimrod; her mouth opened into a shocked round orifice. She sank into the water until mouth and nose were submerged and her green-yellow hair floated. For ten seconds she stared at Shimrod, in mingled wonder and alarm, then submerged her head and was gone.

Somberly Shimrod went his way. The nymph’s face had been blank, almost vacuous, like the face of a fish, or so it seemed at first glance, but there had also been the stir of thoughts and emotions incommensurable to his own, as befitted the circumstances.

Sulwen’s Planet; vol.17, 1966, 1968. Restored from late ms.

Tai the Dreamer; 1944, unpublished. Lost.

Take My Face; see: The Flesh Mask.

Taramplee; 1944, unpublished short story. Lost.

Telek; vol.2, 1951, 1952, 1969. Resolved from: Astounding, 1952; and: setting copy for Eight Fantasms and Magics, Macmillan, 1969.

Telephone Was Ringing in the Dark, The; vol.44, 1962, unpublished novel draft. Author’s ms. Inspired by wrong number call in night.

Temple of Han, The; see: The God and the Temple Robber.

Ten Books, The; vol.2, 1949, 1951. Known as: Men of the Ten Books. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1951.

Three-legged Joe; vol.3, August 1951 Fulpmes, Austria, 1953. Restored from best available published text: Startling, 1953.

Throy; vol.41, 1992. Restored from author’s electronic file.

To B or Not to C or to D; vol.3, 1949, 1950, known as: Cosmic Hotfoot. Restored from tearsheets from Startling, 1950, with holographic corrections. Paid 1½¢ per word.

To Live Forever; see: Clarges.

Trullion: Alastor 2262; vol.29, 1973. Restored to best available published text: Amazing, 1973. Connatic’s name, ‘Jaram Ursht’, the same man (sixteenth in the Idite succession) as in Marune, changed to ‘Oman Ursht’, per Ballantine. In original draft Akadie is hanged. Author’s wife saved Akadie’s life. Author spent impoverished adolescence on farm near Oakley, on the Sacramento estuary, a landscape which recalls the Fens.

T’sais; vol.1, see: Mazirian the Magician.

Tschai, Planet of Adventure; (editor’s series title). See: vol.21: Tschai. Includes: The Chasch; The Wannek; The Dirdir; The Pnume. Series written at editor’s request to exploit success of Batman: mature hero with boy side-kick.

Turjan of Miir; vol.1, see: Mazirian the Magician.

Ulan Dhor Ends a Dream; vol.1, see: Mazirian the Magician.

Ullward’s Retreat; vol.17, 1957, 1958. Restored to best available published text: Galaxy, 1958.

Ultimate Quest; see: Dead Ahead.

Uninhibited Robot, The; vol.3, 1950, 1951, known as: The Planet Machine, and: The Plagian Siphon. Restored to best available published text: Thrilling Wonder, 1951.

Unspeakable McInch, The; vol.3, 1948. Restored to best available published text: Startling, 1948.

Vandals of the Void; vol.4, 1951 Positano, Italy, 1953. Restored from single published source: Winston, 1953. Written as children’s science fiction at editor’s request.

View from Chickweed’s Window, The; vol.11, 1959? 1979. Restored from typescript for Underwood-Miller, 1979. Author spent childhood in San Francisco. Author’s father-in-law was cement inspector in southern California. Work involved climbing into tanks; author occasionally helped.

Visitors, The; vol.3, 1950, 1951, known as: Winner Lose All. Restored to best available published text: Galaxy, 1951.

Wankh!; see: The Wannek.

Wannek, The; vol.21, 1968, 1969, known as: The Servants of the Wankh; and: Wankh!. Restored from setting copy for: Ace, 1969. New authorial title for VIE, in reaction to British slang connotation. Draft changed title: The Wannish.

When the Five Moons Rise; vol.6, 1953, 1954, 1969. Resolved from: Cosmos, 1954; and setting copy for: Eight Fantasms and Magics, Macmillan, 1969.

Where Hesperus Falls; vol.2, 1955, 1956. Restored to best available published text: Fantastic Universe, 1956.

Wild Thyme and Violets; vol.44, 1976? Author’s outline ms.

Winner Lose All; see: The Visitors.

Wise Beyond His Years; 1956, unpublished. Lost.

World Between, The; vol.6, 1952, 1953, known as: Ecological Onslaught. Restored to best available published text: Future, 1953.

World-Thinker, The; vol.2, 1944, 1945, 1982, draft title: Lanarck and the World-Thinker. Restored to best available published text: Lost Moons, Underwood- Miller, 1982 (see page 19).

Worlds of Origin; see: Coup de Grace.

Wyst: Alastor 1716; vol.31, 1974, 1978. Restored from setting copy for: DAW, 1978. Author’s favorite painter: Giotto.